Eating And Exercise

Diet and Training

you exercise, you want to stay healthy. You also know that you need food to provide your body with the energy it needs for training and daily life. What you eat before and after training is very important to get the most out of your training.

you are doing cardio or strength training, always make sure you consume a balanced mix of protein and carbohydrates. The ratio of carbohydrates and protein you consume will depend on whether you are doing cardio or strength training and the intensity of the exercise. The ideal time to eat a pre-workout meal is one hour before you start your workout. If you're planning on low-intensity exercise, you should limit your pre-workout meal to about 200 calories. If you're planning on high-intensity exercise, your meal should probably contain 4,000-5,000 calories. Those who do aerobic exercise should consume a combination of 2/3 carbohydrates and 1/3 protein. This way you'll get longer-lasting energy from the excess carbohydrates and enough protein to prevent muscle breakdown during exercise. For strength training, you should consume a combination of 1/3 carbohydrate and 2/3 protein. This will give you enough energy from carbohydrates to perform each set, and the additional protein will help minimize muscle breakdown during training restrictions.

post-workout meal is just as important as your pre-workout meal. Every time you exercise, whether it's aerobic or strength training, you use up energy in the form of glycogen. Your brain and central nervous system rely on glycogen as their primary fuel source. Therefore, if you don't replenish amino acids after exercise, your body will begin to break down muscle tissue into amino acids, which it then converts into usable fuel for your brain and central nervous system.

in mind that during strength training, you are primarily breaking down muscle tissue by creating micro-tears. This means that after training, your muscles go into repair mode immediately. Protein is key here, since you don't want your muscles to be broken down further to produce energy, but rather to repair them, to generate lost glycogen.

finishing your cardio session, you should:
Eat mainly carbohydrates, preferably high in fiber. Rice, oatmeal, whole grain pasta and northern fruits are good sources.

In addition, try to consume 30-50 grams of this type of carbohydrate after training. After aerobic exercise, it's okay to eat something within 5-10 minutes.

After strength training, you should consume a combination of carbohydrates and protein. Unlike aerobic training, strength training creates micro-tears and breaks down muscle tissue.

Protein is needed to build and repair these tears to increase muscle size and strength. Carbohydrates not only replace lost muscle glycogen, but they also help protein get into muscle cells so they can synthesize structural proteins or the muscle itself. After strength training, wait up to 30 minutes before eating anything to prevent blood from being drained from your muscles too quickly. Blood in your muscles supports the repair process by carrying away metabolic waste products.

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